Company History
Kisaburo Nakano came to Tokyo from Kagawa prefecture in 1885 and started Nakanogumi, initially specializing in civil engineering and construction works involving stone masonry. Developing our own form of masonry, "Inada Mikage (special granite)," the Nakano group made great contributions to many famous domestic projects such as the Nihon Bashi Bridge, the Japan’s Parliament House, and the Imperial Theatre buildings.
Main works: Nihon Bashi Bridge (left)、Parliament House (right)
Major projects: Nihonbashi (top), National Diet Building (bottom)

In February of 1933, Yoshichika Oshima, the company's general manager at the time, took over operations and developed the company into a general contractor named the Oshima office of Nakanogumi.
Surviving through the difficult times during and after World War II, Oshima re-organized the company as a private stock-holding company in December of 1942 and established the foundations for future growth.
Main works: Yokoshiba Airport Hangar (left)、Ministry building of Army (right)
Major works: okoshiba Airport Hangar (top), Ministry building of Army (bottom)

(Others)Tokyo Imperial University Facilities
With making construction as a core business, Oshima diversified the company into new businesses such as Real Estate developments, and Construction technologies. He also expanded the operation from the initial base in the Kanto region to Nagoya, Osaka, Tohoku and Kyushu.
Expanding the business, the company was registered on the Second Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1962.
Ascending to the First Board in 1972.
In 1974, Nakano became a true international organization though overseas expansion to the United States of America.
Main works:Totsuka Public Residence (left)、 Shinjuku Hikariza Theater (right)
Main works:Totsuka Public Residence (top)、 Shinjuku Hikariza Theater (bottom)

(Others)Ichigaya Station (JNR), Tokyo Kensetsu Kaikan
Beginning with international offices in Singapore in 1975.
Beginning with international offices in Malaysia in 1982.
Beginning with international offices in Indonesia in 1985.
Beginning with international offices in Thailand in 1988.
In 1991 with expectations towards a new era of dynamic business development, Nakanogumi was renamed as Nakano Corporation.
After merging with the architectural division of Fudo Construction Co., Ltd in 2004, became a general construction company with major branches throughout Japan.
Celebrated the 90th anniversary of founding in 2023.