
Corporate Philosophy

  • 1. We will contribute to society through the development of our company.
  • 2. We will fulfill our customer’s expectations with sincerity, devotion, and creativity.
  • 3. We will pursue better lives through the prosperity of our business operations, and share the pride and pleasure of working for our company.
  • 4. We will strive for global expansion through technological development and operational regeneration.
  • 5. We believe any problem can be solved through healthy business practices.

Management Policy

  • 1. We create customer satisfactions and respond to customer confidences.
  • 2. We understand and respect each other, and achieve targets with full participation by all staffs.
  • 3. We always look forward and conduct healthy business.

Our Corporate Symbol

Nakano Corporation’s corporate logo is designed using the letter 'N' to symbolize our new wave corporate identity. The three curves comprising the logo represent Technology, Comprehensive Power, and Creativity.

Nakano Corporation’s corporate color of clear blue represents our engineers and experts striving to generate a new wave in the construction industry, as well as Nakano’s strong will for further development.

Action Guidelines

Nakano Corporation has formulated action guidelines in order to ensure for legal compliance with all applicable laws, the creation of trustworthy social relationships, and a true contribution towards society.
Members of our senior management assume these guidelines as part of their professional role, and take a leading role in their implementation.

  1. We aim to be a company of integrity, that provides thorough education not only in respect to compliance with all applicable laws, but also the conservation and improvement of ethical standards.
  2. We will make constant effort to increase client satisfaction with our works and services through our technology, comprehensive power, and creativity.
  3. We will work to maintain positive communications and relations with local society through our business activities.
  4. We will strictly control any obtained personal information, and ensure prevention of its non-authorized disclosure to any third parties that is not directly associated with our business activities.
  5. We will disclose our corporate information accurately, properly, and timely, in order to develop positive relations with all stakeholders.
  6. We aim for proper and fair procurement and transactions with our business partners, as well as the maintenance of healthy and transparent relations with political organizations.
  7. We refrain from any communication with antisocial organizations, and completely refuse the use of such organizations or entities during the course of our business activities.
  8. We will remain conscious of a harmonious coexistence with the global environment, and the development of construction technology that promote a reduced environmental load and conservation activities in order to pass on a clean global environment to ensuing generations.
  9. We will strive to better the working environments of our employees by respecting human rights, individuality and safe working environments.
  10. As a member of international society, we will respect the diversity of local laws, culture, and customs, and recognize the need to conduct our business activities with sufficient attention to these considerations.

Enacted on May 17, 2006